About Us
To collaborate with Burbank non profits, service clubs, schools, city offices, and local businesses, in order to enrich the lives of financially disadvantaged members in our community, with a focus on children and families.
The vision of BCC is for all non profit resources in Burbank be easily and universally accessible for our disadvantaged community members, with a focus on children and families, and that these community members feel confident to consistently find/have access, assistance and support to meet their socio/emotional/economic needs.
Burbank Coordinating Council began in 1933 and is made up of volunteers from City offices, schools and other city based organizations and interested individuals and families. Throughout the years, BCC has initiated or helped create many successful community programs such as, School crossing guards called “Safety Sallies” which is now run through the Burbank Police Dept, Burbank Temporary Aid Center, which is now run by the City of Burbank, Senior and Youth Boards which are now appointed through City Council to carry on programs designed to benefit both demographics of our population and Town Hall Meetings which are now organized through the City Clerk's office.
BCC still runs two programs annually, Camperships and Holiday baskets.
Through our monthly meetings, we continue to provide opportunities for volunteer organizations to share upcoming program and project information as well as hearing a highlighted speaker each month to enlighten the members as to services and programs within the community.
Board Members
Mary Anne Been
Eddie Arnold
Theresa Ayers
Geraldine Walters
Luis Centeno
Teresa Marasek
Muskan Lalwani
Louise Paziak
Janet Diel
Immediate Past President
BCC Non-Board
Chair Positions
Geraldine Walters
Theresa Ayers
Mary Anne Been
Holiday Basket Chair
Campership Co-Chairs
Fundraising Chair
Geraldine Walters
Membership Chair
Website Chair
Theresa Ayers
Program Chair
Luis Centeno
Social Media Chair
Public Relations Chair
Non-Profit Organization Coordinating Chair