Dear Friends,
Won’t you consider a gift to The Campership Fund today?
Help us make a difference in the lives of children?
Contributors like you, who invest in BCCs Campership Fund, truly make it possible to offer camperships to children so they can experience unbelievable summers. These children would not be able to enjoy a Camp experience without your generosity. Did you go to camp as a child? Then you understand how important this program is to kids! Some are low income, others homeless, or at risk.
Burbank Coordinating Council has provided a Campership Program since 1936, which allows children, ages 6-18, to attend one week of resident or day-camp. All families must meet federal low-income guidelines and are required to provide proof of income to determine eligibility. Each family is asked to contribute $10 for day-camp or $25 for a resident camp.
Your gift of $250 will send one child to camp, $500 will send 2 children to camp and so on. We partner with camps such as: Boy Scouts of the USA, YMCA, Generation DCD, Vernon Lee Gymnastics, Camp Edwards, Forest Home, and LGBTQ camps, just to name a few..
We love it when children return from their camp experiences and send us thank you letters telling us what a “special time” they had and how they “feel better about themselves” from the experience. They come back with GREAT BIG SMILES and good memories to last a lifetime!
Sponsors like you are invited to donate through PayPal on our website, cash/check donations mailed to P.O Box 10126 Burbank CA 91510, or by attending one of our planned fundraising events.
If your organization would like to help us raise funds, our Coins for Campers program is available for patrons of your business to donate spare change. Contact Teresa Ayers at 818-478-1835 or Geraldine Walters at 818-219-5797 for more information.
As a 501(c)-3, your donation is tax deductible. BCC's Tax ID number is 95-611605.
Any questions please contact Campership Co-Chairs Teresa Ayers at 818-478-1835 or Geraldine Walters at (818) 219-5797 or email
Please note camps will have COVID protocols in place to protect the kids who are in attendance.
Most sincerely,
Mary Anne Been, President BCC
Geraldine Walters and Theresa Ayers, Co-Campership Chairs